Well, we're moving right along with our adoption. Sue, the director of our agency, emailed us last Thursday and had a request for an update to one document from our lawyer. Althought she was not sure if we were, it sounds to US like we're in PGN. I've never heard of a 'kick out' of a document for anyone while they were in Family Court. Also, we learned that our Social Worker Interview was on 9/17 - long enough ago for us to indeed be in PGN and to have a kick out.
Needless to say, we got that document redone ASAP, the next day, and it has gone though all of the certification and authentification - and will arrive at CCI's office tomorrow morning (10/24) and hopefully be in Guatemala on Friday 10/25 or Monday 10/29. So, keep your fingers crossed that we ARE indeed in PGN and we're hoping to hear that we're out of PGN no later than Noveber 19th - in order to have time enough to get a pink slip (appointment at the US Embassy for Visa's) which is when we will know our travel dates. As far as we know, we still HAVE to have them home by 12/31 or else thing will be in limbo...so we don't even want to think about that.
I also contacted Fairfield City Schools to chat about getting our kids into school After a terrific conversation, I feel confident that all will be well with them in school! ESL (Enlish as a Second Language) is great in our district due to a growing number of hispanic students.
Mike is going to Guatemala to visit the kids for 5 days - he'll be there November 8th - 12th. He will also take the kids to the doctors while there. I'm so jeolous that he gets to hug and kiss on them but he hasn't seen them since April so I guess it's his turn! (but I miss them so much - can't wait until they are HOME!)
So, we're not out of the woods yet, still need lots of prayers and please pray/send positive thoughts that:
-We ARE in PGN already or get in ASAP
-That we get OUT of PGN before November 19th - NEED LOTS OF PRAYERS FOR THIS!
-That they get a PINK SLIP / EMBASSY APPMT before Christmas!
Here at home, we're just chugging right along. Miranda and Mark LOVE their preschool and both are having fun in their sports. Mark is Gymnastics and Karate and Miranda is Cheer and SOME Karate. Miranda has a big cheer competition up in Columbus this weekend - I'll post photos once it's over. Should be adorable. We also had a great Halloween party here (I'll post photos in a separate blog) and lots of other things going on but that's for another day!
Thanks everyone.