Saturday, February 28, 2009

Maria's "Letter" about today - 1 year anniversary....

Mike just showed me this letter that Maria typed this morning. It is soooo cute and shows how much English she has learned this past year. Here are Maria's thoughts in her own words:

"Dear book this is my first year in the united states of America and we get to go some were with my family and I am so happy because I have a nice family and my grandma is liven with as and she help as with are homework and I told my mom that she was so nice and my mom helps my grandma with chores. And I have some friends from Guatemala their mane is Kevin and Claudia and Kelly they are adopt from some people that are my mom is friends and Kelly and Claudia and Kevin are my best friends and my brother max likes them as a friends because he play with them and I have two dogs name salty and pepper and they are very nice to people and they and that is way people like are dogs and my mom is name is Michelle and my dad is name is Michel and I love my family so much because we are so nice to people and I am 11 years old and my sister is 6 and I have three brothers that are 13 and 7 and 6 and my mom is 36 and my dad is 36 to like my mom I love my mom so much. Love Maria. And I have a brother name Mark that he likes to play games and his favorite games are Lego races and Mario and my other brother likes to play Mario to. And my sister and me like to watch Hannah Montana. And my sister is favorite movie is high school musical and my favorite movie is john is brother because they sing and they are so funny to. And I love my sister so much and my brother and my mom and dad and my grandma and Jesus so much more than everything and my dogs."

1 comment:

Blessed Butterfly said...

Oh my Michelle, what a wonderful letter your daughter wrote, it brought tears to my eyes. You are blessed, and you have a wonderful family. Many blessings... Daniela Gausmann and family